Name of Realtor: Package: ---Photography Only ($185)Photography and Video Tour ($350)Photography and Matterport ($350)Photography, Video and Matterport ($500) Address of listing Is this listing outside of Montrose? (Olathe, Delta, Ridgway, Ouray, etc.) ---Yes - add $30No - my listing is in Montrose Vacant or Occupied? ---VacantOccupied For scheduling, would you like us to reach out directly to the seller? ---Yes - please contact my clientNo - please contact me and I will relay information Seller's Name Seller's Phone Seller's Email Lockbox Code What takes priority for this listing? ---Mountain views - Scheduling is flexible for clear weatherListing date - We need this done ASAP regardless of weather Direction the home faces OR if it has large windows, what direction do those face? Square footage Is this house or property over 3500 square feet and/or 40 acres? ---NoYes - add $150Both - +40 acres & +3500 square feet - Add $200 I acknowledge that any listing over 4,500 Square Feet or with multiple dwelling units requires a custom quote. ---Yes How many bedrooms does this listing have? How many bathrooms does this listing have? Lot size Are there specific characteristics that set this listing apart? What are the main features that you as a realtor feel should be showcased? Some examples include: Outdoor kitchen, large shop, outdoor pump house, RV parking, etc. Would you like to add lot lines? ---Yes (Add $65 for 3 photos)No Would you like to add a twilight shoot to this listing? (3-5 still images) ---Yes (add $250)No